Ash Hill Academy Achieves Centre of Excellence

Ash Hill Academy has achieved the Inclusive School Award with Centre of Excellence status.

  • This was the Assessor’s second visit and they found the academy to be exceptionally welcoming.
  • Safeguarding is given high priority; it is clear who is able to support if there are any worries or concerns.
  • The students are effectively supported as they come into the school through the Blue Line. 
  • Ash Hill has implemented Mental Health Waves, identifying and supporting students with a graduated support system.
  • An emphasis is placed on the consistency of attendance procedures which has also been developed further. 
  • The Trust-wide reading strategy has started to be introduced and embedded across the curriculum.
  • The academy’s main focus is on consistency to deliver Quality First Teaching (QFT), behaviour, engagement, and differentiation with clear expectations.
  • The Magic 8 approach has been evaluated, evolved and embedded to incorporate Trust-wide principles.

Ash Hill Academy offers students a consistent but individualised educational experience.  This was evident in discussions with a number of students, who described the cultural awareness as evident across the school.  They also described how “everyone has a say” and the “teachers were approachable”.  One student who described her mental health difficulties, explained how she was always able to find someone to help and stated, “they are very supportive, if you have a problem, they will sort it quickly.”